Fresh Flowers

Who doesn’t love receiving flowers? Exactly… I think it’s safe to say that the answer to that, is no one. Flowers are a great gift for significant others, family members, and even friends. And, if you didn’t know, Trader Joe’s is known for beautiful flowers at low prices! I wanted to walk you through tips and tricks for how to get your flowers to stay fresh the longest, and what to look for on your next flower trip at TJ’s!

Tips and Tricks

  1. Choose Fresh flowers!

Make sure the leaves on your flowers are not wilting, and they are not a dull brown color. The brighter they are, the fresher they are.

Image courtesy of Two Twenty One

2. Pick a firm bud.

The firmer the bud is, the longer the flowers will last. If you choose flowers that have already bloomed, than they won’t last as long. Look for flowers that have just begun to open and aren’t super squishy, or have petals falling off.

3. Avoid the premixed bouquets!

Trader Joe’s has a huge variety of different flowers. It also has a pretty great collection of greenery. This makes it really helpful to create your own bouquets. If you get premade bouquets, many times some flowers will die faster than others.

4. Cut at an angle.

Make sure to cut the stems at an angle to allow for more water intake. Measure the length you would like them to be first, based on your vase size.

5. Cut some foliage.

Cutting off the leaves that would touch the water is essential. If you leave them on mold will set in. Do NOT rip the leaves off, this will also result in mold, and will not allow your flowers to stay fresh as long.

6. Grab a copper penny.

Image courtesy of Kelly Nan

Pennies from before 1982 are made of 95% copper, and are a great addition to your flowers! Copper is known to kill fungi, and adding a copper penny to the water in a vase may help the flowers stay fresh longer.

7. Keep them cool.

Flowers need to be kept in a cooler temperature. Keep in a cool space in the home to last the longest.

7. Check the water.

After a couple days the water level may be low, as the stems retain a lot. If it is looking a little cloudy, take the flowers out and rinse the stems under cold water. Cut an inch off of each stem at an angle. Add fresh water in the vase (always fill about 2/3rd of the vase), and mix in plant food.

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